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To much of the business world, John Garippa is known as an attorney specializing in property tax litigation for Fortune 500 Companies. John is the senior and founding partner with the law firm of Garippa, Lotz & Giannuario with offices in New York, Philadelphia, and Montclair, NJ. He has authored and published more than ninety articles in the field of taxation, and is a contributing author on two treatises on valuation published by the International Association of Assessing Offices. Mr. Garippa has received the Literary Achievement Award from the Institute of Property Taxation, and has been quoted as an expert by the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Learn more about John below...
The Garippa Foundation is actively involved in teaching the Bible. Each week, John Garippa teaches over 700 men and women in three separate Bible studies. As a result of the success of those studies, the Lord opened the door for a weekly broadcast on Kingdom FM in Naples Florida. We believe that there is nothing more important for humanity than to understand God's purpose for our lives. This can only be discerned by studying Scripture, where God has clearly spoken to humanity. Our radio program is called "66 Lessons for Life", because we will demonstrate through the 66 books of the Bible, that God has spoken to us about His Son, Jesus Christ from the very beginning, through all of those 66 books.
The Garippa Foundation is also actively involved in a church plant in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where Downtown Harbor Church is reaching out to the unchurched, and redefining the church experience.